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Tom Clancy’s the Division Server Problems Are Fixed

The release of Tom Clancy’s The Division was a disaster after game servers kept crashing and finding a game was problematic. Minim…

E3 2017 — Top 10 Sports Games

Sports simulators have a small, but passionate audience. This E3 won’t disappoint them. We are presenting top 10 sports games at this…

Dishonored PC Release Scheduled on Summer 2018

After all console gamers praised Dishonored and named it “Game Of The Year” Arkane Studios announced PC release. Minim veniam, quis nostrud…

Streamer Discovered Secret Ending for Witcher 3

Even year after a release Witcher 3 keeps delivering unpredictable situations. Famous streamer, Admiralbulldog found another secret ending. Minim veniam, quis nostrud…